A guide to communicating as an Airbnb host - 10 practical tips

Want 5-star reviews by communicating like a super host? Make customer service easier and create an experience that tenants will recommend to others.
Tips for landlords

Want to succeed as an Airbnb host or hostess by improving your communication? In short-term rentals, your role is to provide the guest with an accommodation experience that meets or exceeds expectations. Being a super host doesn't have to be a hassle or time-consuming process. You facilitate positive and proactive communication by anticipating the needs and desires of your guests. Planning is the key to better reviews, which you can harness by reading our 10 tips to improve your communication. Are you ready to succeed in your Airbnb rental?

1. Make clear house rules

Explain the rules in a friendly and reasoned way

The rules are designed to avoid misunderstandings and keep both you and your guests happy. When you present the rules in a friendly and reasoned tone, guests will understand the reasons behind them and be more willing to follow them. For example, "I would appreciate it if you could keep the silence after 10pm so that the neighbours can rest in peace." This way, the guest understands that the rule is not just restrictive, but for the comfort of the neighbours.

Example: 'I hope you enjoy your stay and use the kitchen freely. However, I kindly ask that you recycle your waste properly. All waste containers are under the sink and I can take them to the canopy after you leave. However, when the mixed and organic waste is full, I hope you will take care of it."

Keep the rules easily accessible

Make it easy for the guest to find the rules both before arrival and during the stay. Send them in advance and keep a printed copy in the apartment. This way the guest will feel informed and more likely to follow the rules you set.

Example: 'Here is a list of the house rules, which I will also send you by email before you arrive. A paper copy can be found on the kitchen table next to the welcome message."

2. Create a personalised welcome message

Make a warm first impression

Send the guest a welcome message that is both warm and informative. You can include practical information about accommodation, such as recommendations for local restaurants and attractions. This will show that you are ready to make their stay a pleasant one. You can also mention that, if he or she asks, you will be happy to give more tips on things to do in the area.

Example: 'Hi [name of guest], welcome to Helsinki! I hope you enjoy your stay in my apartment. If you want to try some local flavours, I highly recommend Restaurant Löyly by the sea. It's only a 15-minute walk away. Let me know if you have any other questions and I'll do my best to answer them!"

Customise the welcome message according to the guest's profile

A personal touch sends a message to the guest that you are responding to their personal wishes for accommodation. If you find that a guest is travelling with a family, you can mention family-friendly activities and restaurants with a children's menu, for example. For people travelling alone, you can offer tips on cafés or parks to relax in, or menus to meet new people.

Example: 'Hi [name of guest], I noticed that you are travelling with children. Linnanmäki Amusement Park is a great place for families and is only a short tram ride from the apartment. If you need any other tips, I'm happy to help!"

3. Provide detailed arrival instructions

Flexibility in arrival time and key handover

Many guests come from long distances or arrive late, which can make the first evening or day stressful. Differentiate yourself from their previous Airbnb experience by making their stay a pleasant one from the first few hours. Offer flexibility with arrival times and clearly communicate how the key will be handed over. If possible, you can also offer a self-service key, such as a smart lock or key box, which gives freedom to both the guest and you.

Example: 'You can arrive any time from 14:00 onwards. . You will find the key in the secure key box next to the front door. I will send you the code the day before your arrival."

Tailor your arrival instructions by mode of transport

Help your guest find the place by providing instructions for the different ways of arrival. Offer different options depending on whether the guest arrives by car, public transport or from the airport. 


  • For those arriving by car: "There is a paid parking area next to the apartment. Please remember to check parking time limits."
  • For those arriving by public transport: 'Tram number 3 stops just 200 metres from my apartment. Get off at the stop 'Esplanadi' and walk north."
  • For those arriving from the airport, "Finnair City Bus will take you directly to the city centre, from where you can easily take the tram to your apartment."

4. Express your availability

Please indicate the times when you can be reached

Even with basic instructions, the guest often has questions. Sometimes they don't read or remember the instructions, and sometimes they may encounter something unexpected. Make it clear to the guest when you can be reached and which communication channel is best. In most cases, the guest will often not need assistance, but it is still important that they feel they can rely on you if necessary.

Example: 'I'm available from 8am to 10pm, and you can send me a message via Airbnb or call me directly on my phone. And so my number was [number]. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need any help!"

Answer questions quickly

Especially in the first two days, you may have questions as you are new to the accommodation and the environment. Try to be available, especially during the first day. Responding quickly to guests' needs builds trust and prevents potential problems. It is also useful to open up the conversation to help with any further questions so that the guest does not feel like a burden to you.

Example: a guest asks "Where can I find extra blankets?". Your answer: "The extra blankets and pillows are in the bedroom, on the top shelf of the wardrobe. "Please let me know if you can't find them or need any other help!".

5. Stay proactive

Be in touch before your guests arrive

Tell the guest that the apartment is ready and you are waiting for them to arrive. You can also send a reminder about arrival instructions and ask if they have any last-minute questions. Remember, hospitality starts before he or she arrives. A sense of welcome is created by several small gestures that warm up the guest's stay experience

Example: 'Hi [name of guest], your visit is coming up! I just wanted to check that you have received your arrival instructions? If you have any questions, I'm happy to help."

Offer tips on how to use your home

In addition to local tips, you can show how your guest can make the most of the home's facilities or special features. Explain how the guest can fully enjoy the facilities and feel at home. This can help the guest to relax and feel special.

Example: 'The living room windows have a stunning view of the sea. The sunset is really beautiful, so I recommend watching it from the living room if you are in the apartment in the early evening. There are books and board games on the bookshelf in the living room. The kitchen's moccamaster is free to use, refill bags and instructions are on the top of the microwave. If you think of anything else, feel free to message me!

6. Use positive expressions

Frame your message in positive language

When you want a guest to follow a particular policy or rule, express it in a positive and encouraging way. Even if you absolutely want the guest to behave in a certain way, soften your message. Don't say "don't do this, do this, do this." Tell them what they should do and why it is useful and important to you as a homeowner.  

Example: instead of writing "Do not bring pets into the apartment", you could say "We welcome pet-free guests to ensure an allergy-friendly environment for all."

Maintain a positive tone even in problematic situations

When problems arise, especially in your own home, it's human nature to get nervous. Stay calm and use positive language that focuses on solutions rather than blame. A professional approach will calm the guest down when solving the problem, which is better for both the guest and you.

Example: if a guest reports that the hot water is not working, you can reply, "Thanks for letting us know! I will deal with it as soon as possible, sorry for the inconvenience. I'll call the service department and let you know when it's fixed!"

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7. Make use of message boards

Find out the frequently asked questions from Airbnb hosts

Guests may often ask the same questions, such as "Where is the nearest grocery store?" or "How do I use the washing machine?". If you are driving or only available for a short time, it can be difficult to formulate instructions for travel or use. Using the examples below, compile a list of common questions and prepare ready-made answers. This will save you stress and ensure that your answers are clearly formulated and cover the information you need.

Example: prepare a message base for the question "Is there wifi in the apartment?". Your answer could be "Yes, there is free wifi in the apartment. The network name is 'Apartment123' and the password is 'guest2023'. You can also find a printout of the passwords on the fridge door."

Make each message unique

While message boards speed up communication, it is important to add a personal touch to messages. Start a message by greeting the guest by name and end with an encouraging or friendly comment. This makes communication more human and improves the guest experience.

Example: 'Hi [guest name], thanks for your message! Yes, the apartment has air conditioning. The regulator is located in the hallway next to the large painting. Now that it's quite warm, I recommend using setting 6 or 7. If you have any other questions, I'm happy to help. I will be at the cinema tonight between 7 and 9 pm, but will answer after that if needed. Have a nice day!"

8. Cross the language barrier

Prepare bases for the most common languages

If you often receive visitors who do not speak Finnish, you should prepare message templates in the most common languages, such as English, Swedish, German or Spanish. Avoid jargon and use unambiguous expressions that translate more fluently into several languages. It is also not wise to spend too much time on perfect translations. They would set unrealistic expectations for the way you will communicate later. Clear, simple and friendly messages will make the guest feel welcome, even if there is no common language. Example. If you need any assistance during your stay, feel free to contact me. I hope you enjoy your time here."

Use tools to translate on the fly

When using translation tools such as Google Translate, it is important to keep the language simple and the message clear. Use short sentences to make it easier to make your messages polite and understandable. A good way is to put the translated text back into the translation tool and check that the result makes sense. You can also add emoticons to further clarify the tone and meaning of your message.

Example: 'Hi [name of guest], thank you for contacting us. I'm using a translation tool, so I apologize if everything is not quite right in my messages. Please let me know if there are any ambiguities and I will reformulate my reply. I am here to help you with any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information or assistance."

9. Ask for feedback

Make giving good reviews a matter of course

Reviews are the most important metric for Airbnb hosts, as they influence visibility and reliability on the platform. Ask about the guest's satisfaction the day before handing over the keys, or when requesting a review. This will not only improve the visibility of your profile, but will give you feedback to improve your performance.

Example: 'It was a pleasure to host you! I hope your experience was as you expected? I would very much appreciate it if you could leave a review of your stay. Your feedback would help me to improve my accommodations even more!"

Respond to negative reviews in a professional manner

If you receive negative feedback, it is important to handle it in a similarly professional manner. Thank the guest for their feedback, apologise for the experience and explain how you will ensure this doesn't happen to future visitors. Show your reviewer that you are aware and transparent about the developments, which communicates your commitment to getting the problem fixed for future visitors.

Example: 'Thank you for your feedback. My apologies that the level of cleanliness did not quite meet your expectations. I have spoken to the cleaner to ensure that this does not happen again in the future."

10. Put your customer service mindset first

Solve problems before they arise

Exceptional customer service is a trait of super investors that you can simulate even if you're not particularly customer service-minded. Carefully check that everything in the apartment is working properly. By anticipating potential problems, you can prevent them before they affect the guest experience.

Example: turn on the heating if necessary and adjust the air conditioning to suit. Test that all equipment is working and put the operating instructions in an easily visible place. Make sure all appliances are in working order and check that all appliances are in working order. You can read more about proper furnishing and equipping here.

Be approachable

Bringing a friendly and open attitude to your communication invites the other party to do the same towards you. When you are approachable and ready to help, the guest will feel welcome. They are more likely to become more courageous in contacting you about problems before they become more damaging to themselves or your home.

Example: 'Hi [name of guest], I hope your trip went well! I'm here to help if you need anything. Don't hesitate to contact me anytime. I may sometimes be in meetings, in which case I will respond within an hour or so at the latest."

Ready to communicate like a super host

Communication is like the lubricant that makes all the practicalities of accommodation run smoothly. Prepare for a visitor's arrival with instructions, FAQ forms and communication pads to reduce the strain on communication on both sides. Your communication should be based on informativeness, on top of which you add a personal touch. Remember to ask for a review at the end, so that others interested in your accommodation will know of your abilities.

Congratulations! You are ready to implement successful communication in your Airbnb accommodation.

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